Friday, December 14, 2012

An End to Desertification

While fighting desertification in Beit Sahour and Jenin, MA'AN turns its eyes towards the eastern slopes of Ash Shawawra. Due to the harsh conditions caused by the political fight over land, their agricultural situation has worsened. Since the start of the desertification of Ash Shawawra, the ability to farm and maintain a steady income of resources has diminished. With this, basic farming techniques are being forgotten and lost.

MA'ANs goal in this village is to gather as many of the locals as possible to begin reviving the land. To do this they are planning to gather up as much knowledge of agriculture left by the people, and also include new techniques developed by MA'AN itself. Aside from rejuvenating the land, giving the people their natural resources, they are helping in opening job opportunities for the people having trouble finding employment. 

Introducing Swales to Jenin

A swale is a small ditch in the ground which intercepts and distributes water in a field. Its purpose is to minimize rainwater loss. MA'AN development center introduces this method of farming in their newly established farm located in Jenin and explain how it is useful in farming.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Trees vs. Desertification

One of the biggest problems in Palestinian agriculture is the desertification of the land. The extremely high temperatures and low amounts of rainfall leaves little space for most plants to survive. The team of Bustan Qaraaqa and MA'AN Development Center found a way of combating this issue and it is through the planting  of trees. Through the large branches of trees, the suns rays are blocked from hitting the soil around the trunk of the tree which leaves the ground more moist. Also with enough trees planted, they begin to block the wind leaving higher humidity levels on the ground. These two factors are enough to stop the desertification of the land and with that issue out of the way it leaves plenty of room for plants to grow. Trees are a great source of foods directly and indirectly as well as a way of preventing desertification.

This tree is known as the Acacia Tortilis. It is an extremely dry land tolerant species which makes it a perfect example of trees to use in Palestine for combating desertification. Its direct products include firewood and timber which creates non toxic wood. Its indirect products include the meat we receive from the goats and lamb which eat the leaves off this tree.

This is a Moringa Peregrina tree. This tree is another example of dry land tolerant species. Everything of this tree from the roots to the leaves are edible and nutritious.  

This tree is called a Ziziphus Spina-Cristi. Like both trees above, this tree is also able to withstand the hot temperatures and low rainfall. Its products are both direct and indirect producing fruits and honey for people to eat. It also makes a good foraging plant for camels, cattle, and goats to feed from. 

Bustan Qaraaqa

Bustan Qaraaqa is a farm located in the town of Beit Sahour, near Bethlahem. This plot of land was established by environmental engineers Tom Fernley Pearson, Alice Gray, Steve Collins and Nick Marcroft. Like MA'AN Developments Centers aim, they were driven to establish this land to get people more active in protecting and fixing their own land. Seeing how Bustan Qaraaqa already has the man power and innovation to develop their own techniques for farming efficiency, MA'AN's main interference with them is to help fund and publicize them.

Still of valley owned by Bustan Qaraaqa

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sahel Marj Bin Amer

Sahel Marj Bin Amer is one of the biggest agricultural plains in Palestine, located in Jenin. With its vast amount of land there are only approximately thirty different types of fruits and vegetables being produced there. MA'AN Development Center recently started establishing a farm in Jenin. This particular farm has unconventional methods for farming and the reason for this is to show as an example to the rest of the farms and farmers there. A few of the techniques that MA'AN is introducing is a swale and a pool. MA'AN Development Center has also hired environmental engineers to coordinate and direct the work done on their land to maximize any possible benefit.

Image of farm being established.

How it should look after 1.5 years due to new farming methods.